Free Streamline Proof of Concept

Are you interested in GMDH Streamline but unsure if it works for you? Let's try it out. We can create a project based on your data using the Spreadsheet connector.
T&C Applid. Limited to 10 SKU, Excel Connector only, 14 days to test

Watch the Video to know how to prepare your data→ 

Book a Free POC

What data is needed for a PoC?


  • Transaction Quantity

  • Transaction Revenue

Item Info

  • Quantity on Hand

  • Supplier Lead Time from ordering to receipt

  • Inventory Value per unit

Orders to Receive

  • Item Code

  • Quantity to Receive

  • Delivery Date

Terms of service

These terms of service ("Terms", "Agreement") are an agreement between the website ("Website operator", "us", "we" or "our") and you ("User", "you" or "your"). This Agreement sets forth the general terms and conditions of your use of this website and any of its products or services (collectively, "Website" or "Services").

We don't provide ERP connection in our proof of concept. It does require connection to your sensitive data and load 16 months of thousands of SKUs. In reality, it takes a long time to ensure that data gets loaded into the right buckets and validated which is beyond the scope and objective of POC.  

We allow you to test the POC and we are happy to answer your questions about the product loaded with your data for 14 days. Building your POC requires time and effort and any additional support beyond the 14 days trial will be provided by purchasing our consulting packages.   

Two types of Spreadsheet Connection

Aggregated Data

 Download an Example

Transactional Data

 Download an Example