Supply Chain Planning Platform for Manufacturers

  • Reduce stockouts by 98%

  • Get a full visibility on KPIs real-time

  • Achieve 99% product availability

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What is GMDH Streamline?

GMDH Streamline is a desktop application for demand forecasting and inventory replenishment planning. The robust time-series decomposition approach we employ allows us to create a highly accurate statistical forecast that provides a solid basis for further demand planning processes. Streamline effectively incorporates modern planning technologies and strategies with inventory optimization tools and provides crucial and timely information for decision-making.

Automate MRP

Streamline your material requirements plan and issue purchase orders on time.

Streamline allows you to generate a plan of material requirements based on the demand forecasts of finished products and a bill of materials (BoM).

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Ship on Time

Get rid of material shortages. Produce and ship on time.

Streamline creates a timeline with a one-day resolution and puts all schedules onto the timeline. Then Streamline executes the event sequence giving us the most accurate information about the company’s inventory levels with one-day precision.

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Save time spent on Planning

Easily streamline production plans based on sales orders or demand forecasts.

Streamline uses time series decomposition, intermittent demand models, and a human-like decision-making algorithm that selects the right model for each product.

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Flexible Manufacturing

Make to order or make to stock based on demand forecast.

Batch Manufacturing

Round up manufacturing orders to batch size and account for minimum batch.

Material Requirements Planning

Ensure that you have the right parts available on time and are able to ship finished goods to your customers as promised.

Agile Safety Stock

Keep safety stock with materials, finished products, or intermediates.

Optimal Inventory Levels

Avoid unnecessary overstock while ensuring you have sufficient levels of inventory to cover future demand on time.

Demand Forecasting

Automatic demand forecasting by product and customer.

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